Glynn Horne Person-Info 

( Ich bin Glynn Horne)


(1 - 4 von 5

2011 PKC SE Classic - Saturday/Overall
Report comes from Glynn Horne, “The PKC Sout heastern Classic came to a close last night with 28 dogs going to the woods. We had ...

2011 Showtime Jamboree - Thu/Fri
Glynn Horne - H Jazz Chambers/Cravey/Horne - O Cory Cravey - H Phrank Matt Marchant – O/H Jeff Marchant/Graham - O Chase Ragland - H Friday June

First annual Showtime Jamboree!
Glynn Horne, handler 4th Liz Morris Tart, owner/handler. Congratulations to all the winners at Hazelhurst and to the host club for a successful Showtime ...

Driver strikes Ellabell home with vehicle, flees the scene
"Woke up the next morning and my wife said there was a deputy sheriff at the door," said Glynn Horne, a resident of the home. "I looked out the ...
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