Go Gien Ling Person-Info 

( Ich bin Go Gien Ling)


If you were in 'Go Ling's position - La Femme Desperado 女人唔易做 ...

女人唔易做[TVB]: Would you accpet a guy thats 7 years younger than you? Seriously, I wouldn't cause I would feel super weird having like a 'little brother' for a boyfriend. But if he looks mature and looks older than his actual ...

Melissa Ng as Go Ling - Page 3 - La Femme Desperado 女人唔易做[TVB] -...

Page 3 of 3 - Melissa Ng as Go Ling - posted in La Femme Desperado 女人唔易做[TVB]: I reckon Melissa's character in this is only pitiable, and not that like-able....
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