Goran Georgiev Person-Info 

( Ich bin Goran Georgiev)


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Fya Riccione. Un altro week end positivo per le giovanili •...

Tre vittorie, un pareggio e una sconfitta: goleade di Juniores, Allievi ’99 e 2001, i ’98 impattano a Imola, ko i Giovanissimi ‘00.

Welcome to Bulgaria, where the war in Ukraine is NATO's faultgoodwordnews.com › welcome-to-bulgaria-where-t...

“Bulgaria has been the target of systematic disinformation campaigns for years – and those efforts are bearing fruit now,” said Goran Georgiev, an analyst ...

Građani Srbije se zapošljavaju u Bugarskoj | Balkan Vijesti | Al...

Građani koji imaju dvojno državljanstvo, srbijansko i bugarsko, sve češće posao traže u Bugarskoj.

Strumica Diocese: News

CHRIST IS RISEN! ( ). Today, to the glory of Christ's Resurrection, in the Veljusa monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos Eleusa Metropolitan Nahum of Strumica celebrated Divine Liturgy. In the course of the Liturgy the sub-deacon Goran Georgiev was ordained deacon. “From the Holy day of Resurrection of ...
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