Goran Stojkov Person-Info 

( Ich bin Goran Stojkov)


(1 - 4 von 19

Condenado a 15 años de cárcel el exjefe de Inteligencia en el marco...

Un tribunal de la capital de Macedonia, Skopje, ha sentenciado este lunes a penas de cárcel a 17 personas,...

Macedonia says slayings were a setup - The Boston Globe

Konteska said police Generals Goran Stojkov and Boban Utkovski and senior police official Aleksandar Cvetkovski were among those allegedly involved. She also named former interior minister Ljube Boskovski, who is a Parliament deputy, in connection with the shootings. Shortly after the announcement, ...

EU-Einreiseverbot für Mazedonier - Welt -- VOL.AT

Zwölf als Kriegstreiber beschuldigte Bürger der Republik Mazedonien sollen mit einem Einreiseverbot in die Europäische Union belegt worden sein.

Lirohet nga burgu ish-gjenerali i "Luanëve" famëkeq, Goran Stojkov

Shkup, 16 dhjetor - Ish-gjenerali i njësitit "Luanët" të Policisë së Maqedonisë, Goran Stojkov lirohet nga burgu - informon Zhurnal. Ai në rastin “Spiun” u dënua  ...
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