Gordon Wasserman Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gordon Wasserman)


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FBI model ‘less useful’ for UK | The Times

GORDON WASSERMAN, (Head, Police Science and Technology Group, Home Office, ; special adviser to New York City Police Commissioner,

Barbara Kay: Germany was determined to expunge dangerous...

Gordon Wasserman (since Baron Wasserman) grew up in Montreal, won a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford University, and joined the U.K. ...

PCCs and the democratic deficit - BBC News

And so the inquest begins. Why were the people of England and Wales so emphatically indifferent to being given the power to elect their police and crime...

Dec. 9: ‘Sanctioned torture’ of solitary confinement – and other...

Letters to the Editor should be exclusive to The Globe and Mail. Include your name, address and daytime phone number. Try to keep letters under 150 words....
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Gordon Pötzsch
Vorname "Gordon" (4609)
Name "Wasserman" (121)
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