Graham Cooke Person-Info 

( Ich bin Graham Cooke)


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Google News: Tag 1 der Conversion Conference in Hamburg: Tim Ringel schockt seine Zuhörer

[eCommerce Lounge] - Und warum die genaue Analyse der Benutzerdaten immer wichtiger wird, ergab sich später sehr treffend aus einem Vergleich von Ex-Google-Mitarbeiter Graham Cooke. Er verglich Websites mit Formel-1-Wagen, bei denen nur noch sehr geringe Nuancen darüber

Public Service News from around the world | by Graham › pulse › public-service-news-fr...
· Germany promises 'storm diversity' BERLIN (January 7): The German Meteorologist Service has promised to give storms more diverse names after ...

Cancel St. Patrick’s Day? Ireland reports ‘first’ venomous snakebite...
Saint Patrick supposedly drove all the snakes out of Ireland some 1,500 years ago.

Spain coronavirus patient recovers after being treated with HIV drug:...
... underway for a while using these drugs against MERS,” Professor Graham Cooke told Metro, referring to Middle East Respiratory Syndrome.
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