Hans-Christian Hess Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hans-Christian Hess)


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Ossegg oder die Wahrheit über Hänsel und Gretel - Mediabiz

Produzenten, Hans-Christian Hess. Regie, Thees Klahn. Drehbuch, Thees Klahn. Buchvorlage, Hans Traxler. Darsteller, Jean-Pierre Léaud (Ossegg), ... › film › firmen › programm

KOPFÜBER - | Berlinale |

— hans-christian hess. Co-Produzenten antonio exacoustos, franz Kraus, David P. steel. Co-Produktion arri film & tv services,. › external › archive › pdf

London nightclub Egg lost £20,000 per night during COVID ...

— Hans Christian Hess revealed the figure in a new interview while he expressed feeling “apprehensive” about the UK government's introduction ... › music › lo...

London nightclub director now fears impact of Covid passports

— Managing Director Hans Christian Hess has worked in various roles at Egg for 17 years. While the club is usually open five nights a week, ... › news
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