Hans-Jürgen Ciesielski Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hans-Jürgen Ciesielski)


EthosEnergy awarded $13m refurbishment and LTSA contract from...

Hans-Juergen Ciesielski, VP of Gas Turbines Europe at EthosEnergy said, “Having other LTSA contracts with Zhaikmunai gave them the confidence that we had the capabilities needed to carry out this project. Our ability to provide installation and commissioning in a faster timeframe fit the customer's requirements, while ...

EthosEnergy wins $13m Kazakhstan contract

— Hans-Juergen Ciesielski, VP of Gas Turbines Europe at EthosEnergy, said: “Having other LTSA contracts with Zhaikmunai gave them the ... › news

Heiße Diskussionen zur Vereinsgaststätte bestimmten die...

Die goldenen Ehrennadel für 40jährige treue Mitgliedschaft erhielten: Hans-Jürgen Ciesielski, Michael Lehmann, Otto Reck, Heinz Zölzer, Margarete Gronemann, Maria
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