Hassan Soliman Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hassan Soliman)


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Showing: Künstlerlabor Kairo Beirut/Ltg. Leila Hassan Soliman & Jörg...

Showing: Künstlerlabor Kairo Beirut/Ltg. Leila Hassan Soliman & Jörg Lukas Matthaei. Show. Ort. Tanzhaus NRW - Die Werkstatt (Düsseldorf).

Artist Hassan Soliman - Bibliotheca Alexandrina

The Exhibition is held on the occasion of Artist Hassan Soliman's donation of some of his works to the BA Permanent Exhibitions collection. Contact Person: ...

Dutch museum hopes to change Egyptian government's ...The National News

— Egyptian conservator Hassan Soliman, who works for the Supreme Council of Antiquities in the Saqqara archaeological area, works to...

Radio Muezzin | Veranstaltung | spin.de

Komposition & Sounddesign: Mahmoud Refat Videodesign: Bruno Deville Dramaturgie: Laila Hassan Soliman. Produktion: HAU Berlin ...
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