Heide Hatry Person-Info 

( Ich bin Heide Hatry)


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Central Park snow bear sculptures delight New Yorkers

· Artist Heide Hatry has spent every day for the past two weeks at the park's 86th Street entrance, shaping and repositioning her frosty works.

Artist Heide Hatry creates portraits of dead people using their...

Heide Hatry, 51, who lives in New York, has been commemorating lost loved ones with cremation portraits since

Heide Hatry

Heide Hatry on WN Network delivers the latest Videos and Editable pages for News & Events, including Entertainment, Music, Sports, Science and more, Sign up...

Artist Talk Heide Hatry - Talk at Freies Museum Berlin in Berlinwww.artrabbit.com › events › artist...

Share Talk: Artist Talk Heide Hatry in Berlin, Germany. Via Twitter or Facebook. People who have saved this event: Prev Next. close. What to expect? Toggle.
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