Heinrich Huinink Person-Info 

( Ich bin Heinrich Huinink)


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Taz: Reifen sollen leiser rollen - taz.de

Industrie und Regierung wollen mit Produktstandards weniger Verkehrslärm erreichen, weil die EU sich nicht auf Grenzwerte einigen kann  ■ Von Manuela Römer


'If we just supply brakes, tires and technical parts, we're in a market that grows only moderately,' said Heinrich Huinink, Continental vice ...

Continental system's aim: Cut stop distance | Automotive News

CELLE, Germany - Continental AG has developed an integrated braking system that aims to reduce a vehicle's stopping distance by up to 25 percent from today's...

Continental aims to cut stopping distance | Automotive News Europe

HANNOVER, Germany -Continental AG has developed an integrated braking system that aims to reduce a vehicle's stopping distance by up to 25 percent from today's...
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