Heinz Georg Ford Person-Info 

( Ich bin Heinz Georg Ford)


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Heinz, Ford team up to use tomato skins in car parts - National |...

Ford Motor Co. and the H.J. Heinz Co., the Pittsburgh-based ketchup maker are teaming up on research to turn tomato skins into auto parts.

Heinz and Ford trying to turn tomato fibers into auto parts - UPI.com

Heinz and Ford announced that they are partnering up to reseaarch ways to repurpose discarded tomatoes into

Heinz, Ford team up on tomato byproducts research - Washington Times

Ford Motor Co. and the H.J. Heinz Co., the Pittsburgh-based ketchup maker are teaming up on research to turn tomato skins into auto parts.

Pfalz aktuell : Start : Linksoftware und Branchenverzeichnis

Das Branchenbuch für Rheinland und Pfalz.
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Georg Ford
Heinz Ford
Vorname "Georg" (36045)
Name "Ford" (8469)
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