Helen Elias Person-Info 

( Ich bin Helen Elias)


Gardeners at Earlsdon park get ready for spring - CoventryLive

A GROUP of green-fingered Earlsdon folk have stepped up their efforts to make sure a local park is in good shape for the spring.

Falcon Primary students reaching out to help Bangladeshi kids |...

Falcon Primary School students participating in after-school activities with Camp Australia are creating handmade gifts for disadvantaged primary students

HSBC, DTZ Pieda, Opportunity Wales, Brecon Carreg, Ripples - Wales...

New appointments in Wales, brought to you by People in Business in association with StrataMatrix.

Keeping the customer satisfied - Modern Building Services

Modern Building Services: Articles . HELEN ELIAS explains how to get more from the customer-satisfaction surveys that are required as part of a...
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