Helen MacDonald Person-Info 

( Ich bin Helen MacDonald)


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Mao's Last Dancer, Nanny McPhee Returns | By Joe Morgenstern

[Wall Street Journal] Tom Hollander, Derek Jacobi, Kelly Macdonald, Helen Mirren, Jeremy Northam, Clive Owen, Ryan Phillippe, Kristin Scott Thomas and Emily Watson.

Saint 'hood

[Herald Scotland] - Helen Macdonald, 66, a retired teacher, is a direct descendant of Mary's father, Alexander Mackillop. His grandfather was Duncan Mackillop, a tenant farmer

Helen Macdonald: After my grief, a new hawk and a new life | Times2 |...

The magnificent goshawk on Helen Macdonald’s gloved fist is unsettled. He fixes his burnt-orange eye on this stranger with a notebook and gives him a hard stare
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Name "MacDonald" (1013)
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