Helene Cole Person-Info 

( Ich bin Helene Cole)


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Microsoft Business Solutions Drives Additional Value in Microsoft...

"The Microsoft CRM 1.2 feature pack will help businesses build even more powerful relationships with their customers," said Helene Cole, chief ...

Got the 404 on That? SOX and other laws require greater ...

“You would think that people’s financials are secure,” says Helene Cole, CEO of Altara, a Bernardvsille, N.J.-based reseller of accounting software from Microsoft Business Solutions. But controls are often lacking. Sometimes, all employees can gain access to the financials, instead of the client’s using the security features in the software that can restrict access to different parts ...

- Microsoft picking up CRM customers from its rivals -...

Although a latecomer to the CRM business, Microsoft Corp. has quietly been luring customers away from more established rivals such as Siebel, now part of...

Make Your Own Christmas Tree From Pruned Branches | MOTHER EARTH NEWS

You can have a yuletide tree without spending money or needlessly destroying an evergreen if you make your own Christmas tree.
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Person "Cole" (4)
Vorname "Helene" (7969)
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