Henricus Dandolo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Henricus Dandolo)


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Enrico Dandolo and the way history overlooks disability - BBC

— ... in the magnificent former church of Haghia Sophia in Istanbul, there is a plaque on the upper gallery bearing the name Henricus Dandolo. › news › m...

Enrico Dandolo and the way history overlooks disability -...

For a long time there has been Black History Month, but now similar efforts are being made to highlight people with disabilities. So who are the disabled...

Henricus Dandolo - Arkeonews

› tag › henric...

10 фактов о соборе Святой Софии | ELLEDECORATION

Обратите внимание на плиту с надписью Henricus Dandolo. Кстати, кони на базилике Сан-Марко в Венеции — трофей из ...
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Vorname "Henricus" (30)
Name "Dandolo" (10)
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