Henry Marquardt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Henry Marquardt)


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MC FAIR: No-name rooster tops crowing field | Local Illinois ...www.stltoday.com › illinois › news

Blue-ribbon winners typically aren't shy about claiming their prizes, but Henry Marquardt did blush a bit last Wednesday when the judges' ...

Obituary: Carl Marquardt ( )Southeast Missourian

Marquardt, 80, of Cape Girardeau died February 15, at St. Francis Medical Center. He was born Feb. 5, 1923, in Norfolk, Neb., to Henry Marquardt and ...

Pete Coulee . - Google Newsgoogle.com

Henry Marquardt left on Saturday for Milwaukee where she was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walters over Sun day, returning home Tuesday.

Rev Henry Marquardt - Newspapers.com

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