Henry Rösler Person-Info 

( Ich bin Henry Rösler)


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Votes for dead mayor declared invalid - UPI.com

A Michigan town is getting a new mayor who received fewer votes than the dead incumbent in this week's election.

Henry Roesler Jr. - Bio, News, Photos - Washington Times

Latest news and commentary on Henry Roesler Jr. including photos, videos, quotations, and a biography.

Montague Mayor Henry Roesler lived his life loving family ...MLive.com

— Henry Roesler, the 10-term mayor of Montague died Tuesday at the age of 84. The White Lake community is mourning his loss and reflecting on ...

Alle helfen mit – oder nicht? | Limburg-Weilburg

„Wir haben mit unserer Anlage selbst genug zu tun“, sagt dessen Sprecher Henry Rösler. [ Testen Sie jetzt hier das digitale Abo der FNP und ...
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Person "Rösler" (17)
Vorname "Henry" (11922)
Name "Rösler" (1002)
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