Herbi Dreiner Person-Info 

( Ich bin Herbi Dreiner)


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BBC News | Sci/Tech | Scientists see Susy

The first experimental evidence for a theory of matter called supersymmetry may have been uncovered.

Guardian: Physique? C'est tout le Français à moi | Science | The Guardian

Herbi Dreiner on translating his award-winning physics show into French, and preparing to deliver it at Cern

Learn more about Bonn Physics Show Life Physics Herbi Dreiner |...

SLAM POW BANG: On Tour in England with the Bonn Physics Show | Life & Physics | Herbi Dreiner. My old friend Herbi Dreiner has won awards for his ...

Guardian: Science Slams - how do they work? | Herbi Dreiner | Life & Physics |...

Herbi Dreiner gives the lowdown on the Dortmund champions
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