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Bury primary school ratings Holly Mount Roman Catholic Primary...

Find out how Holly Mount Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury rates compared to other primary schools in Bury with our school ratings

Residents call for CCTV after 'persecution' by young gangs in Holly...

FRUSTRATED residents are calling for a monitored CCTV camera to be installed in an alleyway to tackle anti-social behaviour.

Holly Mount Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury - The Bolton News

Hollymount Lane, Greenmount Bury BL8 4HS School type: Voluntary aided school; Denomination: Roman Catholic; Number of pupils: 312; Age ...

15 Holly Mount, Belfast, BT17 9QD, Terrace property Let Agreed -...

15 Holly Mount, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT179QD 3 bedrooms Terrace property Let Agreed with TMC Estate Agents South Belfast - Propertynews.com.
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