Holly Thompson Person-Info 

( Ich bin Holly Thompson)


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Perth: Ältester Orang-Utan "Puan" mit 62 Jahren gestorben

Affendame Puan musste wegen Altersschwäche eingeschläfert werden. Für einen Orang-Utan hat Puan ein langes Leben geführt und für zahlreiche Nachkommen gesorgt.

Holly Thompson | News, Videos & Articles

Holly Thompson videos and latest news articles; GlobalNews.ca your source for the latest news on Holly Thompson .

Endangered gibbons are hooking up across the globe thanks to...

· Holly Thompson has been fascinated with primates since she was a child visiting Perth Zoo — now she heads up its primate section and works ...

Alumna Holly Thompson Named School Counselor of the Year • Newsroom...

Holly Thompson, who received her Master’s of Education at Lewis & Clark Graduate School, and is currently the counselor at Rowe Middle School.
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