Hugo Zuccarelli Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hugo Zuccarelli)


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Technician sues Michael Jackson over 'Bad' album - UPI
— Hugo Zuccarelli's lawsuit, filed in Superior Court, claimed that Jackson and Epic Records, which recorded 'Bad,' agreed to use Holophonics ... ›

El inventor olvidado que pudo cambiar la historia de la música con la...
La holofonía nació como un sistema de grabación de sonido alternativo. Pereció ante las multinacionales, pero Zuccarelli llegó a grabar un disco con Pink Floyd

Comment on Relearning to Listen With Hugo Zuccarelli by...
Hello Web Admin, I noticed that your On-Page SEO is is missing a few factors, for one you do not use all three H tags in your post, also I notice that you are... | 502: Bad gateway
Also in HFN this month in ORTOFON DEVELOPMENTS Ivor Humphreys reports from Denmark on its new range. CLASSICAL GLASS Ken Kessler on M-O valves and the...
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