Hushang Moradi-Kermani Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hushang Moradi-Kermani)


(1 - 4 von 14

Hushang Moradi Kermani | Al Bawaba
Tehran Municipality's District 12 has announced that the house of Iranian children's book writer Hushang Moradi Kermani will be converted into a story house ...

Hushang Moradi Kermani honored at University of Cambridge -
TEHRAN -- Celebrated Iranian children's author Hushang Moradi Kermani was honored for his lifetime achievements at the University of ...

Iranian director takes “Hotchpotch” to Greek festival - Tavoos Online...
The film is based on a story of the same name by the celebrated Iranian author Hushang Moradi Kermani. Hedayat Hashemi, Sina Razani, Leila Otadi, ...
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