Ian Cattell Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ian Cattell)


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FESTIVALREPORTER: Such a lovely day! | DiePresse.com

The Australian Pink Floyd Show - v.l.n.r. Jamie Humphries (Gitarre) Ian Cattell (Gesang, Bass) Damian Darlington (Gesang, Gitarre) ... › festivalreporter-such-a-lov...

The Brick learns to fly with trouble-free second concert -...

Bassist Ian Cattell and guitarist/bandleader Damian Darlington capably alternated on vocals, with Darlington fairing especially well singing ...

Brit Floyd, omaggio al grande mito - Corriere del Veneto

Standing ovation al Geox di Padova per lo spettacolo della più famosa tribute band dei Pink Floyd

Catching up with Brit Floyd's Ian Cattell - Worldnews.com

The iconic sights and sounds of Pink Floyd are coming back to Columbus as one of the world's greatest Floyd shows kicks off another tour. Brit Floyd have just...
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