Ian Crozier Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ian Crozier)


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Why his eye turned from blue to green - CNN Video

▶ 5:15Dr. Ian Crozier was declared free of the Ebola virus in his blood, but he had no way of knowing it still lurked in ...

Er dachte, er sei geheilt: Ebola-Virus versteckte sich im Auge

Ein Arzt aus den USA überlebt Ebola. Er denkt, er sei geheilt. Doch Monate später entdecken Ärzte, dass sich das Virus in seinem Auge versteckt hat.

Ebola: Unknown Patient Dr. Ian Crozier Speaks Out After ...time.com › Health › ebola

Ian Crozier, who had been working with the World Health Organization in Kenema, told the New York Times that he explicitly kept his identity a ...

Former Ebola patient calls attention to current outbreak - ABC ...abcnews.go.com › wireStory › ebo...

Ian Crozier arrived about a month later, on Sept. 9, 2014, after contracting the disease in Sierra Leone. The fourth Amber Vinson, one of two ...
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Vorname "Ian" (5924)
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