Illya Bakhmet-Smolensky Person-Info 

( Ich bin Illya Bakhmet-Smolensky)


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Illya Bakhmet-Smolenskyi 9a zailtasunean13 urterekin sartu da › gara › editions › hemeroteca_articles
· Iragan azaroan, 13 urteko Illya Bakhmet-Smolenskyi ukrainarrak «Chromosome X» bidea kateatu zuen. Zailtasun hori egiten eskalatzaile ...

First 8c+ for 13yo illya bakhmet-smolensky
First 8c + for the 13 year old Ukrainian Illya Bakhmet-Smolensky who in Poland has resolved Szydercze Zwierciadło.

Illya Bakhmet-Smolensky Sent 5.14d When He Was Just 13 Years Old. Who...
Illya Bakhmet-Smolensky became the youngest person to climb 5.14d when he sent Chromosome X a couple years ago. Who is this young Ukrainian phenom?
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Illya Bakhmet-Smolensky
Pirmin Bertle
Vorname "Illya" (53)
Name "Bakhmet-Smolensky" (1)
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