Ilse Strebel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ilse Strebel)


Willkommenstag WK A 31 : Mo, UhrEvangelische Termine
... !) Referent:innen. Pfr. Markus Vaupel, Diakoniebeauftragter im DB Schweinfurt Ilse Strebel-Vogtmann, Religionspädagogin, Supervisorin. Art der ...

Earthlight Natural Foods celebrates 50 years in the PoconosPocono Record
— "My grandparents Fred and Ilse Strebel purchased the business from Tod Mann in at the Quaker Alley location," said Jennifer LaPorta.

Health food business is hale and heartyPocono Record
— Earthlight Natural Foods dates back 25 years and began in East Stroudsburg. Monica LaPorta's mother, Ilse Strebel, bought the business 15 years ...
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