Ingo Karstens Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ingo Karstens)


(1 - 4 von 26
) The Curse: Cancer Mysteriously Ravages German Village - DER SPIEGEL

Cancer has struck nearly every household in Wewelsfleth, a village of 1,500 inhabitants in northwest Germany near the mouth of the Elbe River. Residents feel...

Taz: Auf der Suche nach den Krankmachern -

— „Wir haben eine Straße“, sagt Ingo Karstens, „da ist kein Haus ohne jemanden, der Krebs hatte oder hat.“ Karstens ist Bürgermeister von ... › Archiv

Cancer Mysteriously Ravages German Village - ABC News
— We won't give up, says Ingo Karstens, trying to sound like he's ready for a fight. Still, his words seem more helpless than anything. › story

Germania, la maledizione di Wewelsfleth -
— Ingo Karstens, sindaco da quattordici anni della cittadina tedesca, ha visto morire di cancro sua moglie dieci anni fa e nel dicembre del ... › salute ›
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