Ingrid Schwerdtner Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ingrid Schwerdtner)


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Taz: US-Armee räumt Kaserne in Rheinland-Pfalz: Lieber Ami, bitte bleib...

Erst Nazis, dann Franzosen und seit 60 Jahren die GIs. In der der Garnisonsstadt Baumholder geht ohne Militär gar nichts. Nun will die US-Armee abrücken.

German town bracing for GIs’ exit
For more than half a century, the garrison town of Baumholder in the rolling hills of southwest Germany has been a small version of America, with Ford Mustangs...

Nahe Zeitung,
Die Schnecke e.V.

Baumholder community remembers eight of its own who died together in...
BAUMHOLDER, Germany — The weather fit the mood of many who attended Wednesday’s memorial service for the eight Baumholder soldiers who died together last week...
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