Irina Zelenkova Person-Info 

( Ich bin Irina Zelenkova)


(1 - 4 von 15

Olympia-Tagebuch von Walter Unterweger
Wir sind Olympia - ÖSTERREICH blickt in Rio hinter die Kulissen.

Aqualibrium Freediving Club at Moscow Dive Show 2017
The key goal and idea of the Aqualibrium freediving club is to open the world of freediving and unite people enthusiastic about the water world, life,...

Brazil in the News | Compass Brazil
Compass Brazil is a full service tour operator in Brazil that offers unique quality travel packages for independent travelers, groups, outfitters, travel...

SUMMIT! The second group of the 7 Summit Club successfully › news › all › item_9172
· Irina Zelenkova. Vladimir Kotlyar, guide. Artem Rostovtsev, guide. Tonight, the third group goes to the summit…
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