Irish Beef Person-Info 

( Ich bin Irish Beef)


(1 - 4 von 39

EU trade deals threaten Irish beef farmers | Ireland | The Times
Up to €350 million a year could be wiped off the value of the Irish beef sector if a host of EU trade deals are finalised, it has been claimed.

Irlands Präsident Higgins empfängt Sterneköche des internationalen...
Pressemitteilung von BORD BIA Irish Food Board - Irlands Präsident Higgins empfängt Sterneköche des internationalen Chefs´ Irish Beef Club veröffentlicht auf...

Irish beef back in US after BSE ban -
Irish beef is back on the menu in the US for the first time since a ban was introduced over fears of BSE 16 years ago.

Ireland says China agrees to lift ban on Irish beef | Reuters
China has agreed to lift its ban on Irish beef, Ireland's Prime Minister Enda Kenny said on Friday, making it the only European country to be allowed to export...
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