Jack Layton Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jack Layton)


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Spiegel.de: Wahlkampf bizarr: Spitzenkandidat macht den Wettermann - SPIEGEL...

Auf der Jagd nach Stimmen ist sich Kanadas Spitzenpolitiker Jack Layton für nichts zu schade: Er bedient Kunden im Fast-Food-Restaurant und moderiert die...

Horwath tries to reclaim Jack Layton’s legacy in final days of...

NDP Leader Andrea Horwath is invoking the late Jack Layton in response to a message from Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne that potential New Democrat voters...

Jack Layton death News, Articles & Images | National Post

Read the latest news and coverage on Jack Layton death. View images, videos, and more on Jack Layton death on National Post.

Jack Layton, Canadian opposition leader, dies aged BBC News

Jack Layton, who led Canada's left-leaning NDP to become the official opposition in May's elections, dies aged 61 after a second bout of cancer.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Jack Layton
Olivia Chow
Vorname "Jack" (8217)
Name "Layton" (140)
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