Jacqueline Kirk Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jacqueline Kirk)


(1 - 4 von 9

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Ambush-hit NGO stops Afghan work

An aid group suspends work in Afghanistan - after 25 years - following the killing of three female aid workers.

Families mourn slain aid workers | The Star

Jacqueline Kirk's widower sat yesterday in the couple's Montreal living room, where a line of cards for her 40th birthday still lined the hearth, ...

Jacqueline Kirk | Warrington Guardian

JACQUELINE KIRK Sadly passed away 16th September Gone but never forgotten Loved and missed by husband Michael, son Adam, daughter Lauren and…

Birmingham Business School hosts Midlands Regional Doctoral...

The Midlands Regional Doctoral Colloquium took place on 24 April in the Business School, bringing together 76 participants from the Business Schools of...
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Person "Kirk" (2)
Vorname "Jacqueline" (16267)
Name "Kirk" (1284)
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