Jacques Pepin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jacques Pepin)


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Tennis Fans, Get Your Stomachs Ready

[NBC Connecticut] - Georg Riedel, of the Riedel wine glass dynasty, will show you how the shape of the glass is as important as the wine that's in it. Then, head outside to the

Google News: La «grande séduction» pour garder les jeunes

[La Tribune] - Les agents migration de Places aux jeunes, dont Michelle Lepitre, Chantale Jacques, Christian Pépin, Olivier Brière et Myrthô Ouellette convient les jeunes

Celebrity chef Luke Mangan reinvents himself as an old sea Salt

[The Australian] - FOOD Detective, always keen on a knees-up, was pleased to receive an invitation to the launch of celebrity chef Luke Mangan's "exciting new venture"

Google News: Scallops wear shells at Cape restaurants

[Cape Cod Times] - Giada De Laurentiis cooked them in a TV segment, and Mario Batali, Jacques Pepin and Emeril Lagasse have used them. Both Martha Stewart and Ted Turner have
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