Jafar Sargheini Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jafar Sargheini)


(1 - 4 von 31

Iran miners harvest coal with aging equipment

Deputy Minister Jafar Sargheini says the ministry will grant loans and aid as part of the four-year plan for the sector, which will include safety ... › nation-world ›

Verona fiere punta sull'Iran - Il Mattino di Padova - Libero 24x7

Veronafiere punta sull'Iran. È iniziata oggi la tre giorni di incontri e colloqui della delegazione della Fiera di Verona nel paese mediorientale. Obiettivo...

Foreign firms say more than just sanctions hold back trade with Iran

Iran's deputy minister for mines and the metals industries, Jafar Sargheini, told Reuters that the biggest hurdle to trade was still the effect of sanctions ... › ...

Foreign firms say more than just sanctions hold back trade with Iran...

Western firms are itching to return to Iran if sanctions are lifted, but to truly fulfil its potential Tehran should do more to make its business practices...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Jafar Sargheini
Vorname "Jafar" (165)
Name "Sargheini" (1)
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