James Patrick Matta Person-Info 

( Ich bin James Patrick Matta)


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Hate fish? Can't eat veg? Doctors study picky eaters - BBC News

Hate mushrooms? Can't stand fish? A group of scientists studying picky eaters say it could be a medical condition.

Fifty-one Castleton Employees Honored for Years of Service ·...

On Friday, December 11, Castleton faculty, staff and administrators gathered in the Casella Theater for the university’s annual Years of Service Celebration....

Unexpected Super-Strength: N.H. Powerlifters Defy Stereotypes, Set...

Inside the huge hangar of the Great Bay Athletic Center, a small crowd watches as an elderly man in a sporty black singlet approaches the lifting…

June Rodil dishes on her new role at Paul Qui's soon-to-come East...

By now, Austin dining scene fans have heard the news about the next addition to Paul Qui’s mysterious new restaurant. Congress’ beverage director
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