Jamie Drouin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jamie Drouin)


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At the Henry Art Gallery, the sweet sounds of — the AC system? | The...

Jamie Drouin and Yann Novak's

Jamie Drouin — News — Tone Glow

Notice Recordings are planning to release their second cassette batch of the year very soon. It features two new releases, the first of which is a recording from Jamie Drouin and Lance Austin Olsen. It's entitled Hidden Paradise and finds the two continuing to make subtle but cavernous ambient soundscapes.

AMN Reviews: Jamie Drouin – The Island (Infrequency) & James ...avantmusicnews.com › › amn-reviews-j...

· Jamie Drouin's long, skinny island lies off the northwest coast of Alaska. Called Sarichef, it was infamous long before his arrival (to collect ...

Johnny Chang and Jamie Drouin | Collected Gestures ...www.artrabbit.com › events › john...

Johnny Chang and Jamie Drouin | Collected Gestures Opening: 17 February | performances throughout the evening: 5-8pm | Free event ...
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