Jan Dörfel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jan Dörfel)


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Spelthorne's entire green belt could be saved thanks to government...

But the council has not made a commitment to fully protect the green belt

"I’m free of it all. It’s too wonderful" year-old's relief at...

A 92-YEAR-OLD woman from Poole has been allowed to stay in the UK permanently to live out the rest of her days with her family.

Deportation of woman, 92, 'against human rights' - BBC News

· Lawyer Jan Doerfel said sending Mrs Cothill home, where she had no close family, was against her human rights. The Home Office said its ...

Guardian: Asylum seeker cannot remain at Kent army barracks, court says |...

High court ruling opens door for more people to be transferred out of ‘wholly unsuitable’ Napier barracks
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