Jane Little Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jane Little)


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Google News: Museum Musings

[Madisonville Meteor] and Mary Jane Park, by the way, Mary Jane was the daughter of Andrew and Jane Little Park and has many relatives here in Madison County still today.

Spiegel.de: Jane Little: Rekord-Musikerin bricht auf Bühne zusammen und stirbt -...

Rekordverdächtige 71 Jahre lang spielte US-Bassistin Jane Little für dasselbe Orchester. Nun ist die Musikerin während eines Konzerts in Atlanta...

Jane Little, bassist for the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, dead at 87 |...

Jane Little, a bassist who held the Guinness World Record for the longest professional tenure with a single orchestra, died Sunday night after collapsing on...

Jane Little | Register | The Times

Jane Little was a double bass player who broke a Guinness World Record after playing 71 seasons with the same orchestra. Along the way she ...
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