Jasmin Saric Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jasmin Saric)


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Saric and Djerahovic - News, Analysis and Opinion :: Justice Reportwww.justice-report.com › cases › saric-and-dzeraho...

The cantonal court of Zenica has found Sedjad Djerahovic and Jasmin Saric, both former members of the Bosnian Army, not guilty of war crimes.

Digitallabor BI X setzt auf globale Partnerschaften

— Jasmin Saric, Head of Ideation and Scouting bei BI X. „Für uns sind gemeinsame Gestaltung, Zusammenarbeit und Schnelligkeit entscheidende ... › pressemitteilung

Bertelsmann Investments Invests in Startup to Improve Quality of ...www.bertelsmann.com › news-and-media › news

· Jasmin Saric, Chief Executive Officer Onqo Health GmbH, said: “Onqo Health is committed to optimizing oncology care and extending the lives of ...

HealthXL Insider - Baselwww.healthxl.com › event

· Jasmin Saric. CEO, Onqo Health. Aisling Murray. Sr. Director, Commercial Development, BrightInsight. Christof Wedemeyer.
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