Jay Hammond Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jay Hammond)


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Spiegel.de: Das Land, aus dem die Träume sind - DER SPIEGEL

Im Hafen von Sitka drei amerikanische Schiffe, vor dem Palast des Gouverneurs amerikanische und russische Soldaten in Reih und Glied, kraftlos flatternd auf...

Former Alaska Gov. Jay Hammond dead at 83 | The Seattle Times

Jay Hammond, a bush pilot and hunting guide who served two terms as Alaska's governor during a period that helped define modern Alaska, died today at his Lake...

Bill would name wilderness area for late Gov Hammond - Washington...

Alaska's U.S. senators have introduced legislation to rename a wilderness area after the late former Gov. Jay Hammond.

Ohio lawmakers slam Obama plans to rename Mt. McKinley 'Denali'...

Ohio lawmakers reacted angrily Sunday to the White House's announcement that President Obama would formally rename Alaska's Mt. McKinley — North America's...
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