Jennifer Overbeck Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jennifer Overbeck)


Study finds minority consumers will voluntari | EurekAlert!
It has been well-documented that minorities are subject to discrimination in product pricing and customer service. What is startling is the result of a new...

Psychologists: Those in power more apt to 'moral hypocrisy' -...
The moral compass of some public figures clearly went awry in Now new research better explains why some in the public eye don't think like the rest of us.

The Presumptuous Power Holder – Association for Psychological Science...
Louis XIV, the vain French king who held the longest reign in European history, epitomized absolute monarchy. But his blind pursuit of power—highlighted by the...

Women Nurture And Men Assert In Negotiations? Just A Stereotype |...
It's often assumed that men are more aggressive and women are more emotional. Even in negotiations, we are often told that men will be more assertive and women...
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