Jesse Ribot Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jesse Ribot)


(1 - 4 von 13

Policy Network Formed at Community Forestry Conference
Dr. Jesse Ribot, a leading expert on democratic decentralization of natural resource management from the University of Illinois, drew on his ...

Backdraft #6: Jesse Ribot on Why It's So Important for Climate › › jesse-ribot-its...
In a research project spanning more than two dozen case studies on environmental governance in 13 sub-Saharan African countries, Jesse Ribot,

Einladung zu Vortrag und Diskussion
Es referiert Jesse Ribot, Wissenschaftler am WRI (World Resources Institute, Washington, DC., USA). Eine Veranstaltung von BICC, DIE und ...

Jesse Ribot Archives - CIFOR Forests News
Sejarah projek pembangunan dan khususnya projek kehutanan justru menghindari institusi demokrasi lokal dan melemahkan demokrasi.
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