Jim O'Neill Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jim O'Neill)


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Residential prices increase in Turkey

[Overseas Property and Investment News] - The positive figures come after Jim O'Neill, a Goldman Sach's economist, forecast that the economy in Turkey would surpass all expectations this year.

Google News: Bernanke's QE2 efforts receiving mixed signals

[Financial Times] - “Maybe they didn't need to have done it,” says Jim O'Neill, chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management. Markets would have turned around anyway

Google News: Pegs are a more obvious label

[Financial Times] - Sir, Jim O'Neill has sent commentators into search mode for a new label. If they are following investor movements over the past few weeks, the most obvious

Goldman launches fund based on O'Neill's 'Next 11'

[Reuters] in less developed countries identified by the bank's economics guru Jim O'Neill as most likely to emerge as powerhouses of growth in coming years.
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