Joe Liske Person-Info 

( Ich bin Joe Liske)


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Astronomie war lange etwas für Sterndeuter, Gläubige und Gelehrte. Nach Johannes Kepler, der das Geheimnis der Planetenbahnen lüftete, wurden in Deutschland...

Audio slideshow: Giant cosmic eyes of the Atacama Desert - BBC News
... year marks its 50th anniversary. ESO astronomer Joe Liske talks to us about space and telescopes - and about how ESO got where it is now.

Guardian: Universe slowly dying as old stars fade faster than new ones are › science › aug › universe-sl...

· “The universe is curling up on the sofa and becoming a couch potato,” said Joe Liske, an astronomer at the European Southern Observatory in ...

Den langsamen Tod des Universums kartieren
Joe Liske Hamburger Sternwarte, Universität Hamburg Hamburg, Germany . Pete Wheeler
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