Fulbright im Yasni Exposé von Joerg Wolf

(1460 seit 26.01.2008)


Land: Deutschland, Sprache: Deutsch
Ich biete: Atlantic Transatlantic Fulbright Atlantic Review Atlantic Community Foreign Policy Internationale Politik Vereinigte Staaten Reuterianer Johns Hopkins Freie Universität Risikopolitik Völkerverständigung Anti-Amerikanismus Blog Anti-Americanism Germany Politikwissenschaft Politologe OSI Berlin Deutschland
Joerg Wolf @ Atlantic Community, Berlin

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Joerg Wolf - Name: Joerg Wolf
Feb 09  +

24 Informationen zu Joerg Wolf

Ungültige URL: German Beer in Exchange for US Intelligence Information - Atlantic ...

The Atlantic Review recommends and summarizes commentaries ... As Fulbright Alumni from Germany we strive for a critical ...
.atlanticreview.org 26.01.08  +  

Ungültige URL: In Search of Mutual Understanding: America, Europe and the Arab World

Fulbright Alumni e.V. "The essence of intercultural education is the acquisition of empathy - the ability to see the world as others see it, and to allow for the possibility that others may see something we have failed to see, or see it more accurately." J. William Fulbright The Middle East has gained increased prominence in U.S. and European security policies. The United States needs European support in this region more than in any other world region. Unfortunately the strongest of all transatlantic foreign policy disagreements are also over the Middle East, especially over Iraq and Iran. Transatlantic cooperation is needed more than ever and requires support from the Arab world as well.
Joerg Wolf @ Berlin
fulbright-alumni.de 26.01.08  +  

Amerika Blog :

Joerg Wolf von Atlantic Review schreibt auch ueber die moegliche Quelle des WSJ ... Aber Fulbright Akademiker? Das WSJ h ...
amerikablog.typepad.com 26.01.08  +  

Ungültige URL: Atlantic Review

The Atlantic Review strives to be the center for news analysis and thoughtful online discussions on contemporary transatlantic relations issues ranging from security to economics and culture. To achieve this, the website is designed to be used by everybody with an interest in transatlantic relations, and acts as a source for timely news updates, commentary, and the opportunity for people around the world to discuss pressing transatlantic issues. We select, summarize and comment on articles, analyses and reports from a large number of credible sources (newspapers, magazines, and internet media) from across the political spectrum, trying to lay the ground for deeper understanding on both sides of the Atlantic. We believe that our critical, but fair and multifaceted news coverage can advance a meaningful transatlantic partnership and mutual understanding in the spirit of the Fulbright Program. We strive to confront anti-American sentiments in Europe and Anti-European sentiments in the US as well as ignorance on both sides.
atlanticreview.org 26.01.08  +  

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Joerg Wolf @ Atlantic Community, Berlin

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