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Consultancy team revealed for airport enterprise zone
[Manchester Evening News] - John Atkins, managing director of MAG Developments, said: “We are delighted to be able to announce a high quality team of professionals to develop the masterplan for Airport City, containing a mix of international design standing and local creative

Google News: Local bowling scores

[] - Seniors: Glen Himes 793; Ron Smith 679; Greg Stiles 667; Ken Everhart 663; Ken Dixon 646; Dale Lefever 632; Ken Strickler 631; John Atkins 623; Ray Sneddon 622; Ralph Dasher 612; Don Dietz 605; Bill Myers 604; Dick Morelock 604; Charlie Fourhman 602;

Masterplanning team selected for Airport City
[Place North West] - John Atkins, MD of MAG Developments, said: "This will not be one development but a place-making project over a 10- to 15-year period. It is imperative that we ensure that Airport City is of the highest quality and international standing, whilst having

Property deals in pipeline at Airport City
[Manchester Evening News] - John Atkins, managing director at MAG Developments, said: "We could be looking at between three and four million sq ft of new commercial floorspace at Airport City, including offices, distribution space, hotels and advanced manufacturing.
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