John Gillow Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Gillow)


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John Gillow: Textiles of the Islamic World | Art MuseumUniversity of California, Santa Barbara
— John Gillow, author, lecturer, traveler, and collector, has spent more than 40 years collecting the folk textiles of Asia and Africa.

27 Jan JOHN GILLOW. - TroveNational Library of Australia
JOHN GILLOW, Solicitor. 83 Swanston-street, Melbourne, January 26. COUP DE SOLEIL.-The ...

Sand and silk: Mohatta Palace brings ravishing African textiles to...
Expert John Gillow has been collecting and studying the art for three decades.

Deutschlandfunk - Sendungen: LangeNacht
Dorit Köhler Sie ist freiberufliche Textilrestauratorin und Kunsthistorikerin. Neben einer Ausbildung zur Textilrestauratorin studierte sie Kunstgeschichte, Geschichte und ...
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