John Phillip Jury Person-Info 

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Graphic testimony of Richard Oland’s autopsy heard by Saint John jury...
Under cross examination, the doctor agreed to the suggestion that Oland's skull had been completely broken.

Surrey care worker jailed for 22 years for raping girls - BBC News
A care home worker from Surrey is jailed for 22 years after being convicted of raping three schoolgirls over a period of 13 years.

William J. Peelle Obituary - John Jury Obituary -
Clipping found in Fort Scott Daily Tribune and Fort Scott Daily Monitor in Fort Scott, Kansas on Sep 9, William J. Peelle Obituary - John Jury Obituary

Cynthia Irving was strangled to death, Saint John jury hears | CBC...
Cynthia Irving died of strangulation and was dead at least six hours before her body was discovered, a Saint John jury heard on Wednesday.
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Name "Jury" (146)
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