Josef Herman Person-Info 

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Google News: DB: Απόλυση δύο στελεχών για κατασκοπία ("WSJ")

[Euro2day] - Michael Bohndorf, ακτιβιστής μέτοχος ο οποίος σε αρκετές συνελεύσεις μετόχων έχει θέσει υπό αμφισβήτηση την πολιτική της τράπεζας και ο κ. Herman-Josef

Guardian: Josef HermanThe Guardian

— The artist Josef Herman, who has died aged 89, overcame barriers of nationality and religion to capture the essence of the British working ...

Josef HermanHerald Scotland
— JOSEF HERMAN, who has died, aged 89, fled from the Nazis in after leaving his native Poland, and found a friendly refuge in Glasgow, ...

Josef Herman - The Artist SpeaksBBC
Josef Herman. The Artist Speaks. Joseph Herman, who came to Wales as a refugee from Poland during the Second World War, became famous as a painter of miners ...
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